Saturday, August 2, 2014

Oriental Magpie Robin

The oriental magpie robin is a small (about 19 cms) passerine bird with distinctive black and white colours. It has got a long tail which is normally held upright. They breed mainly from March to July and females spend more time and efforts on feeding the young.Males are quite aggressive in the breeding season to defend their territory. They even respond to and attack their reflections in water or in the mirrors.

Male Oriental Magpie Robin in Perfect pose

The female has grayish upper parts. They can be seen nesting in wooden boxes, broken street light shades and other man made shelters. Like any other creature Oriental Magpie robin is very cautious for the safety of young ones. If someone is standing nearby they never enter the nest, and they try to enter and exit with lightening speed.

Female Oriental Magpie Robin

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