Monday, July 25, 2011

Crimson Sunbird(Aethopyga siparaja)

About 11 cm in size the Crimson sunbird like other sunbirds mainly depends upon the nectar of the flowers. Its long curved beak is typically shaped for that purpose.The male has a maroon back with  long greenish blue tail and olive underparts.The female with an olive-green back and yellowish-olive underparts lacks the long greenish tail.The bird can be seen upto an altitude of about 1800 meters in the open forests,gardens and orchards hovering over the flowers.Red coloured flowers are its favourite, probably due their camouflaging effect.

 Like other birds of its category the flight of Crimson Sunbird is very fast and it hardly stays at a point for few seconds, which makes it very difficult to photograph the bird. The Male Crimson sunbird has also been reported to be very aggressive towards the intruders in its territory. It has very often been seen attacking its reflections in the water and in the rear view mirrors of the vehicles.

The colour pattern shown above may not always be there in the bird. At times you will see partially developed colour patterns in crimson sun bird.
In juvenile males the crimson colour is not visible untill the crimson feathers are developed. An adult male also sheds its crimson feathers during non breeding season.

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