Thursday, May 26, 2011

Speckled Piculet(Picumnus innominatus)

About 10cm in size this tiny bird of the size of sparrow is perhaps one of the smallest of the woodpeckers.The bird has olive green upperparts and whitish underparts intercepted with bold black spots and a soft rounded black and white tail.A blackish olive band behind the eye and onto the neck is bordered conspicuously with white bands.The male has got a orange coloured patch on the forecrown.

The bird can be seen and heard continuously making a persisitent drumming sound on dead/dry branches probably looking for the insects/ants. it can be found upto an altitude of about 2000 meters normally singly in moist deciduous and semi-evergreen areas. With nesting season in April-May it drills hole in bamboos or dead branches to make its nest.

Sony Alpha A230L 10.2 MP Digital SLR Camera with Super SteadyShot INSIDE Image Stabilization and 18-55mm Lens

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